Family and Consumer Sciences
Family and Consumer Sciences is an elective program at Drake Middle School that empowers students to become contributing family members, productive problem solvers, responsible citizens, quality workers, and continuing learners. The curriculum concentrates on the development of process skills in higher order thinking, communication, management, and leadership. These skills are needed to solve complex problems and challenges of daily living today and in the future. Family and Consumer Science courses explore the following topics through various activities and lab explorations; food safety and nutrition, sewing and craft skills, child & personal development, interior design, career development and financial literacy.
Family & Consumer Science Courses
This class focuses primarily on hand sewing, cooking, interior design, and child development.
FACS2 will focus primarily on machine sewing, cooking, personal finance, and careers.
Food, Nutrition and Culinary Arts
This class explores the many areas of food safety and nutrition, plus the variety of cuisines found around the world.