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Course Registration

Below, you will find registration information for all three grades at Drake Middle School. Current Drake students will register for next year in April. If you will be a new 7th or 8th grader to Drake for the '24-25 school year, please review the below information.

Information for All Grades:

Placement into honors math for all grades will be determined by Drake's math department based on district data.

If you are coming from a JeffCo school or out of district, please contact use to submit MAP scores and current grades.  

6th Grade Transition Information

Planning Sheets

Choice/New 7th or 8th Grade Enrollment Information

Below are the honors requirements for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested in honors classes, please send any data you have to the point person for each honors class you are interested in. Any questions about scheduling, please contact the grade level counselor.

Honors Requirements
(for current Drake students)

Data Points

Grade from 6th & 7th classes


Winter - 230

GPA: Around 4.0




CMAS: Strongly Meets or Exceeds

B average on classroom assessments


Spring 227


Social Studies

ELA MAP: 230